Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Logo and cards!!!

I realized I have never actually sat down and taken photos of my business cards and thank you cards that I adore oh so much! There has been so much put into making them and I just love looking at them and thinking they are mine :) I know that sounds silly, but I just can't help but smile when I see them. Tim did such an amazing job on my logo (and helping with the cards designs as well) and I have to say thank you so much to him for it! He is seriously so creative and it is fun to hear people say, "oh I see the B, M, and P in the logo!" I bet you will be looking closely now to see it yourself (just tilt your head to the right when you find each letter) :)

P.S. it stands for Bethany Murphy Photography in case the letters confused ya ;)

my business card

the front of my thank you card (the pink ribbon will be changing soon to match a little better)

the inside of my thank you card

front and inside of thank you card

thank you card and business card side by side, both on linen paper (since you probably can't tell)

Tim, thank you for being so patient and sitting with me for hours figuring out exactly what it is that I want and like and picking my brain apart as much as you possibly can :)


Dionne said...

I didn't know you had a blog! I just saw it on your FB Status.

The cards are adorable!

Hope you are well! I haven't seen you in FOREVER!


Brandon said...

I really like your cards and logo. Very minimalistic (which is my favorite type of designs).

Anonymous said...

I love your logo and your cards :) If I haven't told you.. You are so amazingly talented and I love your work! (and you) :) Great job... it looks awesome

Love <3


Anonymous said...

Love the card and logo! Sweet!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much you guys :) It means so much to hear everyone say that!